3t,, Decatur, Illinois
All coins offered will be sold to the high bidder without reserve. Lots will be sent
on open account to successful bidders and bidders must agree to pay for same within
five days after receipt. All coins offered are guaranteed and may be returned within
five days if not as listed. Please bid by lot number and check your bid sheet care¬
fully. In case of tie bids the earlier post mark will receive the lot.
WANTED: Consignments to sell through these lists. Reasonable rates-Good results
Abbreviation of References used in describing coins include the following: Y = Yeo-
raan-Modern World Coins, CW = V/ayte Raymond-Coins of the World, WR = VJayte Raymond-
Silver Dollars of North and South America, D = John Davenport-German Talers and Euro¬
pean Crowns, Fr = Friedberg-Coins of the British World, Ut = Utberg-The coins of Mex¬
ico, and J = Kurt Jaeger-Die Deutschen Reichsmunzen.
Mail bid sale
P.O. Box 123
Decatur, Illinois
ZIP 62525
Phone-Area 217-423-2074. Cffice-1702 W. Marietta
Closing Date, 5 PM, Sept 22
Lot # Description
The first 16 lots consists of Proof
sets of the World. All in original
cases of issue, and having the toning
that is both usual and acceptable.
1— Great Britain 1950, 9 piece set in Red
Card Board Box
2 — 1951, 10 piece set, Blue card board box
3 — 1953, 10 piece set. Red plush case
4— New Zealand 1953, B piece set. Red
Plush Case
5 — Same
6 — Same
7— South Africa 1951, 9 piece set. Blue
plush case
3—1952, 9 piece set. Blue Plush Case
9— 1953, 9 piece set. Blue Plush Case
10— 1954, 9 pee set. Blue Plush Case
11 1954, 11 piece set. Blue Plush Case
with 2 Gold pieces
12— 1961, 7 piece set. Blue Push Case
fully Brilliant
13 — Same
14 — Same
1 5 — Same
16 — Same
17— Great Britain I8B5, Soverign,Gold, VF
IS— 1912, Sovereign, Gold XF
19- India, Travancore, Ca I850, Gold Fanam
only 8 MM, XF attractive piece
20- 1 taly I8I4-M, 40 Lire of Napoleon for
Milan, VF— XF rather scarce Gold
21 - Mexico I906, 10 Peso Gold, XF
22- Russia 1393, 5 Ruble Gold, Nich II, XF
23- Annam I916-I926, Silver Bar of iGiai
Dinh, 6x13x43 MI'l, XF
24- Austrian Netherlands 1765, Kronentaler
D 1232, Head = Brussels mint, F
25- Austria 1823, Taler, D 7, G Mint, F-VF
26 - 1320, Taler, D 7, A = Vienna mint, VF
27 - 1845, Taler, D 14, A mint, VF but has
mounting marks, and light X scratch
23 — 1379, Silver Wedding 2 Florin, D 31,
Y 19, XF with slight mishandling
29 — IS67, Taler, D26, A mint, F
30 — 1368, 2 Florin, D 27, Mounting re¬
moved and It scs.
31 — 1379, Silver Wedding 2 Florin, D 31 ,
Y 19, Unc light bag marks
32 — 1900, 5 Korona, D 34, Y39, F
33 — 1908, 5 Korona, D 35, Y 40, F-VF
34— Belgium 1873, 5 Francs, Y8, F
35— 1380, 5 Francs, D54, Y11, VF-XF nice
36— Brazil 1813-R, 960 Reis, WR 1, Struck
over Sp Am 3R, VF
37 — 1907, 2000 Reis, Y 17, F-VF
38— 1913, 2000 Reis, Y 23, VF-XF
39— Canada 1935, Dollar, Unc, cleaned
40— 1951, Dollar, BUand choice
41— Ceylon 1957, 5 Rupees, Y 41, BU
42— Chile 1377, Peso, VF
43— China, HuPeh Dollar, Y13, F-VF edge nk
44— Republic Dollar, Y 27, Unc
45- Crete 1901, 5 Drachma!, Y9, nice F
46- Cuba 1953, Peso, Y23, BU It bag marks
47- Egypt 1956, 50 Piastre, Y99, VF-XF
43-Eritrea 1913, Tallero, popular female
head, Y 5, VF
49— France 1779-L, AF with few adjustment
marks. Ecu of Louis XVI AF
50 — 1726, Ecu, "9" MM = Rennes, Rare mint
evenly worn and about F
51— 1784, Ecu of Louis XVI, "Cow" Mli =
Pau mint, very scarce, AF
52 — L'an 5> 5 Francs for Directory, D 1337
A = Paris mint, F
53 — L'an 8, 5 Francs for Consulate, Q =
Perpignan mint, hF
54 — L'an 12, 5 Francs, D82, Obv VG-F/ Rev
worn & scratched, "M"= Toulous, Scarce
55 — 1329-L, Bayonne mint, 5 Fr, nice
appearing AU, few very It nks
56— French Indo China 1895, 2nd type, 27
Gr, Y 9, F-VF
57— Germany-Anhalt 1914, 5 Mk, D512, Y S21
XF as to wear but has edge bump and
several sm nks
58— Anhalt 1859, Taler, D 505, Y S6, F
59— Baden 1376, 5 Mk, D532, Y S19, VF
60— Baden 1903, 5 Mk, D 535, Y S25, VF
61 — Baden I906, 5 I'lk for Golden Wedding,
D 536, Y S27, XF toned steel gray
62— Baden 1903, 5 Mk, D53S, Y S40, XF
63 — Bremen 1871, Peace Taler, D 629, Y
S9, VF
64 — Bavaria 1818, Constitution Taler, D
553, XF mounting nicely removed
65 — Bavaria 1855, 2 Gulden, D 604, nearly
Unc but has 2 edge bumps
66 — Bavaria 1862, Taler, D 606, VF
67 — Bavaria 1868, Taler, D 6l2. XF
68 — Bavaria 1874, 5 Mks, D 616, VF
Scarce date
69— Bavaria 1901, 5 Mks, D6l3, Y S27, VF
70— Bavaria I9II, 5 Mk, D 619, Y S40, VF
edge bruised
71— Bavaria 1914, 5 Mk, D620, Y S47, XF
few it nks
72 — Brunswick 1354, Taler, D 634, VF
73 — Brunswick & Wolfenbuttel l644. Wild
Man Taler, VF sm flange crack
74 — Frankfurt 1348, 2 Gulden, D 644, VF-XF
75 — Frankfurt 1863, Taler, D 654, AU
76 — Hamburg 1903, 5 Mk, D659, Y S6, VF
77 — Hanover 1834, Taler, D 662, VF
78 — Hanover 1845, Taler, D 673, F-VF
79 — Hanover I848, Taler, D 675, F-VF
30 — Hanover 1855, Taler, D67B, F
31 — Hanover I86I, Taler, d682, F-VF
82 — Hesse Darmstadt 1376, 5 Mk, D708,
Y S7, Scarce
83— Hesse D I895, 5 Mk, D711, Y S2r, VF
34— Hesse D 1904, 5 Mk, D712, Y S24, XF
84A-Hesse Homburg 1359, Taler, D714, VFXF
35 — Lippe-Detmold 1366, Taler, D725, VF
sc in field
86 — Mecklenburg Schwerin 1364, Taler,
D 723, Y S6, VF
87 — Mecklenburg Schwerin 1904, 5 Jlk, Y
SI 5, J 87, Choice Brill Proof, only
2500 struck, RARE
83 — Mecklinburg Strelitz 1870, Taler,
D 732, Y S3, VF
39 — Munster 1761, Sede Vacante Taler, D
2470, Church Value/Charlemagne Stg.FVF
90— Nassau 1363, Taler, D 749, Y S7, VF
91 — Nuremberg 1761, Taler, D2487, Nice VF
92— Prussia 1750, Taler, D2582, VF with
some porosity and corrosion
93 — Prussia 1764, Taler, D 2586, AF
94 — Prussia 1734, Taler, D 2590, AF
95 — Prussia 1791, Taler, Crowned arms
supported by 2 wild men type, VF
96— Prussia 1813-A, Taler, D759, F-VF
It edge bump
97— Prussia 1820, Taler, D 759, VF
98— Prussia 1323, Taler, D 760, F-VF
99 — Prussia 1630, Taler, D 763, VF
100 — Prussia 1339, liining Taler, D764, VF+
101 — Prussia IS41, 2 Talers, D766, VF nks
102 — Prussia 1843, 2 Talers, D771, F
103— Prussia 1855, Taler, D 773, F-VF
104— Prussia 1359, Taler, D 775, XF
105 — Prussia 1859, Taler, D 776, VF
106 — Prussia I86I, Coronation Taler, D
773, Y S2-, AU
1o7 — Prussia I36l, Taler,
108 — Prussia 1367,
109 — Prussia 1366,
110 — Prussia 1871,
111 — Prussia 1876,
1 12 — Prussia
113 — Prussia
5 Hk,
5 Mk,
, 5 Mk,
14— Prussia 1913, 5 Mk, D 791, Y S55, VF
15 — Saxony 1605, 3 Bros Taler, 2 Busts
facing/Bust with Sword, VF+
16 — Saxony 1609, Altenburg Line, 2 face-
ing busts each side, John Philip &
3 Bros under regency of Mother, Anna
D7B0, F
D 782, VF
D 784, F
D785, Y S27, VF
D736, Y S31, F
D739, F-VF
D790, Y S47, VF
Maria XF
117— Saxony ND (I614), Klippe Taler, 35
MM, John George, Bust R in dble
circle/Crossed swords in dble circle
angel head in 4 corners, VF
113 — Saxony I864, Taler, D 814, VF
119 — Saxe Meiningen 1901, 5 Mk, D 840
Y S9, 75 Birthday, VF-XF
120 — Saxe Meiningen 1659, Taler, DB38,FVF
— Saxony 1823,
— Saxony 1876,
--Saxony 1676,
“Saxony 1902,
—Saxe Meiningen 1862, Taler, D838 VF
-Saxe Old Weimar 1615, 3 Bros Taler
4 Busts each side, VF
—Saxony 1768, Taler, D 2682, 2 digs, F
-Saxony 1812, Taler, D 854, VF-XF
-Saxony 1821, Taler, D357, VF adj mks
-Saxony 1826, Taler, DB6I , VF
Taler, D 865, VF
1832, Taler, D 867, VF
_ . 1838, Mining Taler, D873, XF
-Saxony 1854, TALER for death of king,
D 881, XF-AU
—Saxony 1665, ILLning Taler, D896, VF
—Saxony 1870, Taler, D897, VF, edg bmp
—Saxony 1871, Taler, D898, XF
-Saxony 1872, 2 Taler, Accolated busts
of King & Queen for Gold Wedd, D 899
nice XF
5 Mks, D900, Y S29, F
5 Mk, D900, Y S29, VF
5 Mk, D 902, Y S34, on
the Death of Albert, AU
-Saxony 1903, 5 Mk, D 903, Y S41 , VF
—Saxony 1904, 5 Mk, D904, Y S44, AU
Death of George
—Schaumburg Lippe IB65, Taler, D 910
7000 minted, very scarce, VF+
-Schwarzburg 1862, Taler, D9l6, VF
-Wurtemburg 1908, 5 Mk, D964, Y S23,VF
-Republic 192B-J, 5 Mk, D 966, Y49, FVF
-Republic 1925, 5 Mk, Rhineland, Y51,XF
-Republic 1930-D, 5 Mk, Zeppelin, Y 70
Mounting removed, XF
—Republic 1930-A, 5 Mk, Zeppelin,
Y 70, XF-AU
-Republic 1930, 5 Ilk, Evacuation,
Y 73, D973, XF
-German New Guinea 1894, 5 Mark,
Slightly mishandled but still VF and
■Great Britain 1662, Crown of Chas II
1st Bust 1st year of issue. Rose
below bust, curls worn through at ear
still a choice VF, and difficult to
obtain so nice, RARE
—1387, 2 Florin or 4 Bob, Fr1203,
Attractive Proof with minor hairlines
—1395, Crown, Victoria Old Head, Fr
1209, edge LIX, BU lightly bag mkd
—1935, Crown, George V Jubilee, Unc
-1951, Proof Crown for Festival in
-1953, Coronation Crown, BU
—i960. Proof Crown
•Hawaii 1883, Dollar, VF with few It nks
■Hungary 1900, 5 Korona, D123, Y34, F-VF
-1930, 5 Pengo, Horthy, D125, Y44, F
-1938, 5 Pengo, Stephan, Y 43, XF
160- India, Jaipur 1913, 1 Rupee, Y A5>
Thin Silver Crown Size, XF-AU
161 - Iraq 1932, Ryal or 200 Fils, Y7, F-VF
162- Israel 1958, 5 Pounds in wooden case
of issue, Y 16, BU
163- Italy-Milan 1737-M, Kronentaler, D
1388, F-VF, very scarce
164 - Sardinia 1830, 5 Lire of Chas Felix
D 135> Genova mint, F
165- Italy 1879, 5 Lire of Umberto, DI41
Y 30, AF
166 - Japan 1894, Meiji 27, Yen, Y38, Unc
167- Korea IS92, 5 Yang, a pleasing VF
genuine specimen, that a few very
minor rim nicks fail to detract from
168- Latvia 1929, 5 Lati, Y9. VF
169- Lithuania 1936, 10 Litu, YI3, with
numerous It scratches, F
170- Mexico 1813, Copper 8R, Morelos
Insurgent Issue, Avg Condition
F-VF very scarce
AF V. Scarce
AF rim nicks
XF rim nick
F-VF It X on cap
Ga— C ,
Scale Peso, F-VF rim 1
131 — 1871, Pi-0, Scale Peso, VF rm nk
182 — 1910, Peso, Libert on Horse, VF
183 — 1915, Peso Ut55,Ar-niy del Norte, VF+
1.34—1949, Onza, nice Unc with It bag mks
185 — 1933,1945, Peso, Unc (2)
136—1943,1944., 1945, Peso, AU-Unc (3)
187 — 1947,4s Peso, Little Morelos, (9)
47s, 1 (43), T IV, Unc, total 10 pcs
188 — 1953, 5 Peso, Hidalgo Wreath, TIV
5 pieces, Unc
189 — 1956, 5 Peso, Hidalgo Chico, T V
5 Pieces, Unc
190 — 1957, 5 Peso, Constitution, AU-Unc
191 — 1956, 10 Peso, Hidalgo Grande, T I
5 pieces, Unc
192— 1957, 10 Peso, Constitution, Til, XF•^
193 — 1921, 2 Peso, Winged Victorjj, XF
194 — Panama 1904, 50 Centesimos, Y9, F-VF
195— Panama 1934, Balboa, YI6, W Scarce
196— Panama 1934, Balboa, YI6, XF 1 ed bmp
197— Panama 1947, Balboa, Y I6, XF
198— Paraguay 1839, Peso, nice VF-XF with
few It hairlines, RARE in demand
199— Persia 1902, 5 Krans, Y29, VF
200— Peru 1831-MM, SR, WR 17, nice VF
201 — 1934, Sol, Y22, XF-AU
202-Philippines 1897, Peso, Alfonso XIII
Y 13, VF-XF
203- Philippines 1936, Peso, Y27, Roose¬
velt & Quezon, Unc but has a few scs
rim & Quezon's collar.
204 - 1936, Peso, Y 2^, Murphy & Quezon,
Unc, Rev rather weakly struck
205- Portugal 1914, Escudo, Y47, XF
206- Portugal 1915, Escudo, Y 51, XF
207, Portugal I916, Escudo, Y51, AU scarce
203-Russia IB97 Ruble, 1913 ^ Ruble,
Y 53, 59, F-VF (2)
209 — 1924, Ruble, Y 90, aU rim nick
210— 1765, Ruble of Oath II, D1683, F-VF
211 — 1733, Ruble of Anna, DI67I, VF
212 — 1896, Ruble, Coronation Commem, Y60XF
213— Salzburg 1624, Taler, Paris Count of
Lodron, F
214 — 1709, Taler, Francis Anton, D1236, XF
215— South Africa 1947, 5 shillings, Y39,BU
216 — 1952, 5 Shilling, Y56, BU
217— 1953, 5 Shilling, Y67, BU
213—1956, 5 Shilling, Y67, BU
219—1953, 5 Shilling, Y67, BU
20 — i960, 5 Shilling, Y70, Proof
221 — 1962, 50^, Proof
222- Southern Rhodesia 1953, Crown, Y34, BU
223- St. Settlements 1920, Dollar, Y37, VF
224- Switzerland 1879, shooting taler for
Basel, Y 14S, XF minor rim nick
225 - 1814, 4 Franken of Luzern, D364, VF
Scarce and in demand
226- Uruguay 1961, 10 Peso Commem, small
crown size, BU
227- Yemen 1943, 1 Ahmed i Ryal, Y17, AU
22B-Yemen 1963, New Issue Ryal, BU
Minor Selections
2':'9-Argentina 1322,23 Decimo, CW 43, 1326
5 Decimos, CW 47, (3) VG-F
230-Australia 1927, Canberra Florin, Y7, XF
231 — 1927, Canberra FI. Y7, Toned AU
232 — 1927, Canberra FI. Y7, BU
233 — 1955, Melbourne Proof Id, 1420 minted
234 — 1957, Perth Proof Id
235 — 1953, Perth Proof Id
236 — 1959, Perth Proof Id
237— Austria 1753 i Ducaton VF, 1750 ^ Duc-
aton AF, (2), Bust M Theresa, Antwerp
233 — 1670, 3 Kreutzer for Tyrol, Leopold
the Hog Mouth, Nice XF
239 — 1307 30 Kreutzer, 1300 6 Kr. VF
240 — 1956, 25 Shilling Y97, Mozart,
toned Proof, few hairlines
241— Austria 1957, 25 Shilling Y9B, 10
shilling, Y99, (2) unc
242— 1959, 50 Schilling, Y 101, Unc
243— Azores IB65, 20 Reis, 10 Reis, Y2 & 3
Louis I, F
244— Belgian Congo 1922 1 Franc, both types
1926, 50^ Flemish, (3) VG-F
245 — 1943, 2 Francs, Y24, VF
246— 1830, 1 Franc, Y 9, Jubilee, F
247 — 1940, 50 Francs, Y 50, Toned AU
243 — 1954, 100 Francs, Y 6l , XF
249-Brazil 1832 30 Reis, AF, 1853 500 Reis
CV 127, VF, 1361 1000 Reis, VF (3)
^50 1900, 400 Reis, Y 3, Rare, XF It bump
251 — British Colonies, Anchor Money, 1822,
1322/21 i Dollar (2) G-VG
252— British Honduras 1939, 10^, VG
253— 1943, lO^i, G-VG
254 — 1901, 25^, VG-F full denomination
255— 1919, 25<^, VG " "
256— 1394, 50«‘, AG-G
257— 1901, 50^, AG
253—1395, 50^, G-VG
259— 1897, 50^, AG
260— 1911, 50^, G-VG
261— 1919, 50{‘, VG
262— British N. Borneo 1391-H, ■^, Red AU
263— 1904-H, Y3, AU-Unc
264— Burgundy 1707, City silver coins, obv
sailing vessel & date/Arms 31 MM
265— Canada 1951, 6 piece minor set, BU
266 — 1952, 5 piece minor set, BU
267— Chile 1776, 2 Reales Santiago, VG
26S-China-Yunnan Burma, ■§• Tael, Kann
941, AU, Scarce
269- Crete 1901, 1 Drachma, Y7, AF
270- 1901, 2 Drachma, Y8, AF
271- Cuba 1952, 10,20,40, Centavos, Y 17,
13,19, (3), BU
272- 1953, 50Centavos, Y 22, BU
273 - 1952, 20 Centavos, Y13, 3 pcs, F-VF
274- Cyprus, Y3, Y6 (2), Y7, Y10, (5)VG-VF
275- Czechoslovakia 1930, 10 Korona, Y12,XF
276 - 1949, 50 Korona, Stalin, Y45, BU
277- Danish West Indies 1360 F, 1333 1(i
AU, 1905, 5<p AF, (3)
278- 1340 10 skilling, 1347 20 sk, (2) VG
279- Danzig 1617, 4- Taler or 13 Groschen
Sigismund III, F-VF
230- Denmark 1953, 2 Kroner, Y63, BU
231- Estonia 1932, 2 Krooni, Y17, VF-XF
several It edge nks on rev
232- Estonia 1931, 5 Senti XF, 1934 2
Senti, VF (2)
2S3-France 1530, Ecu of Henry III, "H"
mint, VG with strong portrait, some
corrosion, RaRE
234- France 1726-E, Tours mint, 12 Sols, F
235— 1791-A, jr Ecu, Louis XVI, F
236— 1941, 5 Francs, Y V97, Retain, AU-U
237- Gerraany, Baden I9IO 3 Marks Y S39 F,
Hamburg 1914 3 Mks Y S5 XF, Prussia
3 Mks 1910 Y S44 VF, Wurttemberg
1909 3 Mk Y S2? VF (4)
288- Baden 1906, 2 Mk. Y S26, AU-Unc
289- Baden 1906 21'lk Y S26 XF, Prussia 1B83
2 Mk Y S37, aU edge nk, (2)
290- Bad en 1902, 2 Mk, Y S22, AU
291- Bavarla 1914 3Mk Y 346 XF, Prussia 1913
3 Mk Y 351 XF, 3axony 1913 3Mk Y 353 XF
292- Bremen 1753, 48 3chilling, VF
293- Brunsvick 1915, 3 Mk, Y 310, AU
294- Hamburg 1809, 32 3chillings, VF
295- Hesse Darmstadt 1904, Y 323, J74, Unc
2 Mark, 400th Anniversary
296- Lubeck 1752, 32 3chilling aF
297- Mecklenburg-3chv(erin 1904 * 2 Mark, Y
314, J86, Wedding, AU
293-Prussia 1910 3 Mk Y 348, 1911 3 Mk
Y 349, (2) Unc
299- Pru3sia 1913, Y 352, 51, 50, (3) XF-AU
300- Prussia 1910 3 Mk Y 348, Wurttemburg
3 fik Y 324, both AU with rim nicks
301- Pru3sia 1913, 2 Mk 3 Mk, Y 350, 51, VF
302- Prus3ia 1913,14, Y 352,53,54, XF
303- 3axony 1768, 2/3 Taler, F
304- 3axony 1904, 2 Mk, Y 343, AU-Unc
305- 3axony 1909, 2 Mk, Y 351, Leopzig, Unc
306- 3oxony 1913-E, 3 Mk, Y 353 Unc
507-3axe Meiningen 1915, 3 Mk, Y 314, AU-U
308- Saxe Weimar 1910, 3 Mk, Y 313, Unc
309- 3chaumburg Lippe 1911, 3 Mk,Y 314, Unc
310- 3chwarzburg-3ondershausen 1905, 2 Mk
Y 36, J I69a, Obv Matte, Rev Brill Prf
311 - Wurttemburg 1911, 3 Mk, Y 324, Unc
312- Republic 1924, 3 lik Y47 VF, 1951 5 DM
Y 112 AU (2)
313 - 1925, 3 Mk, Y 50, AU Rhineland
314 - 1927, 3 Mk, Y 53, AU, Bremerhaven
315 1927, 3 Mk, Y 56, AU-Unc, Marburg
316 1929, 3 Mk, Y 62, Unc Lessing
^^*7 — 1929, 3 Mk, Y 65, XF edge bump
313 I93O-D, 3 Mk, Y 69, Unc, Zeppelin
JI9 193O-F, 3 Mk, Y 72, Au-Unc, Rhineland
-30—1932, 3 Mk, Y 76, Unc Goethe
-"•'I ^957, 5 DM, Y 116, Unc sm carb spot
:.^2— Y 82, 34, 97, 112, (4) VF
j23 — Porcelain Notgeld 4 pieces, 1831
White 42MM for Dresden, 1922, red
4IMM 3olbad, 1935 Brown 36 MM J.F.
Bottger, 1922 White 34 MM Leipzig
324-German East Africa I89O, Rupie, Y4, Unc
^900, Rupie, Y4, VF but rough surface
23 — ^ Heller, Y8, Nice VF
7-Gibraiter 1820, Dos Quarts, Fr 11, VF
323-Great Britain 1554, Shilling of Philip
& Mary, dated, Fr 622, About VF and
scarce condition for this scarce coin
329 — 1688, Crown James II, Fr 944,
VG-F rare date
330— 1696, ^ Crown, Will III "Y'* mint
Fr 980, F-VF It edge nk
331— 1700, Shilling Will III, Fr 933, AU
332 — 1708, "E" below bust, ^ Crown, VF
333 — 1719, id. Geo I, Fr IO6O, dump issue
Red & Brown slight rubbing makes it AU
334— 1720, Shilling Geo I, Fr 1051, XF
335— 1735, 36 1733^, VG-F
336 — 1729, id. Geo II, dull Red & Br Unc
Fr 1098, scarce condition
337 — 1759, Maundy penny. Geo II, XF-AU
338— 1758, 6d, Geo II, Fr 1093, XF
339— 1758, Shilling Geo II, Fr1085, VF
340 — 1745, i Crown, Geo II, Lima, XF
341— 1787, Shilling Geo III, Fr1103, XF
342— 1816 VG-F, 1817 VF-XF, 2 shillings
343— 1822 id VG, 1828 6d VG, 1826 12d F
344— 1826, Id, Geo IV, Fr1l67, Red Unc nk
345— 1820, i Crown, Geo IV, Fr1152, XF-AU
346— 1853/2, id, Victoria, AU
347— 1841, Id, Victoria, Toned AU
348 — 1855, Id, WW incuse. Red Unc, large
carbon streak on Rev
349 — 1849 Godless Florin, VF
350— 1858, Florin, VF
351— 1365, Florin, F-VF
352— 1887, 6d, Victoria, Fr1201, BU,
scarce, withdrawn issue
353— 1898, Id, Fr 1237, Red Unc
354— 1904, Id, Ed VII, Unc, Carb streak
355— 1907, 6d, Ed VII, Unc
356— 1902, Florin, Ed VII, BU
357— 1909, i Crown, Ed VII, AU sharp
358 — 1922, g-d, George V, Brown Unc
359 — 1953, 2 shillings. Brill Proof
360 — four different Id tokens Avg AF
361 — nine different ^d tokens Avg F
362— Merchants token 1876 VF, 1795 Lottery
check XF , Odd Fellows token VF, Well
ington token, Canada Ch 203 VF (4)
363— Greece Y38, 39,40, 41 ,42,43,44, 45,46, BU
364— Greenland 1944, 5 Kroner, Y9, XF
365 — Guadelaupe 1903, Y2, F
366— Guatemala 1800, 4 Reale, NG-RM, F
367— Guatemala 4 Reals, 1863 VF, 1867 F( 2)
368— Haiti I850 60 VF, 1881 20 F (2)
369— Hawaii 1883, i Dollar, VF handling raks
370— Honduras 500, 1883 Y13 AF, 1871 Y12, F
371 — Hungary 1662, 15 Kreutzer Leopold, AF
372 — 1765, Poltura of M. Theresa, Nice VF
373— India 1393, 1901, Rupee, Y23, VF (2)
374— 5 Rupees, 1905,13,19,40,45, Avg F-VF
375— Bhutan 1928, i Rupee, Y 4a, XF
376— Bikanir 1892, Rupee, Y3, F-VF
377— Indore ca 1875, interesting silver
Rupee, dump issue, VF
378— Kutch, Rupee, CW I4, Victoria, AU
379— Kutch 1936, Rupee, Ed VIII, YI6, AU
380— Mewar dump Rupee, Yeo page 263, F
381— Ionian Isle 1335, 1 Obolus, Red Unc
332-Iraq, Y3, 5, 6,5,12,15, Avg VF
3S3-Ireland 1760, Farthing, Fr I96, XF-AU
3B4-Isle of Man 1339, Farthing, XF
335 — 1339, -jd, Victoria, VF
336— 3 ^ pennies, 1339, 1813, I831 token
avg VG, ■ (3)
337— 1 taly, Tuscany 1356, Paolo, XFPag 1'
358— Tuscany 1343, Paolo, Pagani 147, XF
339— Naples 1694, 20 Grani, under Chas II
of Spain, Scarce, F
390 — Papal, 1834, 50 Baiocchi, Greg XVI, \
391— Korea 1895, 5 Fun, Y5, Spadone F, VF
392— 1896, 5 Fun, Y5, Spadone H, VF
393— 1393, 5 Fun, Y5, i:uang Mu 2, VF
394— 1393, ± Yang, Y6, VF
395— 1906, ^ Chon, Y 13, VF
396— 1906, 20 Chon, Y 17, XF
397— 1905, i Von, Y 18, XF
393—1909, 1 Chon, Y 23, VF
399— 1907, 1 Chon, Year of ITung Hi, Y23, V
400— 1910, 10 Chon, Y 25, VF
401— 1907, 10 Chon, Y25, F
402— 1907, 20 Chon, Y26, VF
403 — 1910, 20 Chon, Y26, VF Scarce date
4C4 — 1907, g- Won, Y 27, Scarce date, VF
405— 1903, ^ Won, Y 27, VF
406— 1959, 10,50,100 Hwan, Y23,29,30, BU
407— Liheria 1883, 1^ Proof Pattern
403-Liechtenstein 1915, 2 Kr, Y3, AU
409— Lithuania 1925 2 Litai, 1936 5 Litai
Y 7 and 12, both F but nicked
410— Luxemburg 1946, Y33,34, BU (2)
41 1— Mauritius 1886, 20(t, Y5, VF
412— Mexico lS34j Sonora, Herosillo, .^R
Approx 2M thick Avg Cond
413 — Type as above only thin j,- MM
414 — Type as above only medium, 1 MM
415— Sinaloa 1365, Real, AF
416 — 1876 Cn, Centavo, AG
417 — 1397 Cn, Centavo, F-VF
41 B — 1381, Ho, Centavo G
419 — I9OI-C, Centavo, AG
420 — I9OI-C, Centavo, VG some corrosion
421 — 1902-C, Centavo, F
422 — 1903-C, Centavo F, few scs
423 — 1903-C, Centavo, F-VF
424 — 195O-60, 45pieces mixed type V 1i^, XF
425 — 1915, 2 C'vos, VF-XF sm rim nk
426 — 1942, 5 c'vos. Type IV VG-F
427 — 1954, 5^ Josepfa Chico, Vf/O dot, VF
428 — 1954, 5*^, Josefa Chico, W/O dof^ (4)
429 — 1954, , as above, only with dot,VF
430 — as previous lot only (3) pieces
431— 1919, 105*, type II, 17F-XF
432 — 1920, 10^, T III, VG-B’ crusty surface
433— 1935, 10^, T III, F, edge nks
434— 1919, 20i, T II, VG
435 — 1920, 20^, AG heavily pitted
436— 1920, 20^, F-VF
437 — 1935, 20^, T III, F, edge nks
433 1935, 20^, T III, VF, minor edge nks
439— 1935, 20(f, T III, Toned XF
440— 1906, 1907, 50yJ, XF (2)
441 — 1916, 50^, T I, VF-AU, sm rim bruise
442— 1935, 50?!, T IV, XF-AU
9 443—1942, 50(8, T III, VF-XF
444 — 1939,44,45, 50^, AU (3)
445 — Type III, 50 Centavos, Unc 15 pieces
446— 6 20(8 pcs, 1899 Go,1900Mo, 1«93, 1901
P 1904, 1904 CN Avg F
447 — 1889, 1906, 1^,(Culican 20^ 1901,1901
10^ 1902, 1903, 5<f 1389, 1903) (3) F
443 — 1914> Durango 5(8, Ut 29, F
449— 1914, Tenancingo, 5(8, Ut 133, Crude F
450 — Amecameca 50^, Ut 133, thin 1MM, VF
451 — as above only medium l-g- MM, VF
452— as above only thick, 2 MM, VF
453 — As above only 20^, Ut 140, F-VF
’’ 454 — 1883 Mombasa, Rupee, Y5, F
455- Morocco 1953, 100, 200 Fr, Y 52, 53, VF
456- Nepal 1956, King Mahendra Coronation
set, (7), 1,2,5,10,25, Paisa, ^,1,
Rupee, (rare) issued only to high auth
ority and not to general circulation
457- Newfoundland I896, 10^, F
453-New Guinea 1936, 38, Shilling (2) AU
459- Nicaragua 1912, 50(8, Y15, F-VF
460- Pale3tine, Y1,5,6,7,7, (5) Avg VF
461 - Philippines 1368, 50(8, Y5, VF
462 - 1936, 50^, Murphy Quezon, Y26, Nice Unc
463- Poland 1841 3/4 Ruble, 1336, 30 Kopeck
CW 25,26, (2) F-VF
464- Portugese India 1382, Rupia, Y14, VF
465- Portugal 1953, 20 Escudos, Y62, BU
466- 500 Reis, 1854, 1903, (2) F-XF
467- Puerto Rico 1395, 20(8, VF, XF, nks (2)
468- 1896, 40 (8, VF
469 - Victoria Hacienda ^ Almud, G&H 373 VG
470 - Delfina Hacienda, 1 Real, G&H 222 F
471- Margarita Hac, G&H 271, VF
472- Victoria Hacienda, 1 Almud, G&H 379 VF
473- " " 2 Almud s, G&H 380 VF
474- Pulu Penang 1810, AF
475- Sarawak Y4, YI6, Y17, Avg VF
476- Sweden 1397, 2 Kronor, Y31, Toned AU
477- Tarim, 1 Chomsihs, Y A1, G-VG for coin
478- Set Y 1,2,3, 6,12,24, Chomsihs, F-VF
479 - 1 5 Chomsihs Y8 VF
430—30 Chomsihs Y 10, VF
481 - Tibet, Rupee, Y3, VF-XF
482- Tobago, I/8 cut of Spanish American
8 Reale, C/S T, Fr 3, F RARE
483- Vatican 1953, 500 Lire, Y 57, Sede
Vacante, in Holder of issue